

General Terms

  • Terms and Conditions – These terms and conditions
  • Service – The “IT Connect” online service, operating at https://itconnect.pl
  • Service Provider – The company “IT Connect Sp. z o.o.” with its registered office in Warsaw (00-517) at ul. Marszałkowska 80, registered in the business register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division under KRS number 0000277350, NIP: 7010065944, REGON: 140930673
  • Service Recipient – Any natural person who accesses the Service and uses the services provided by the Service Provider through the Service..
  • Electronic Communication – Communication between the parties via e-mail and contact forms available on the website.
  • Application Form – A tool available on the Service that allows the Service Recipient to apply for a job by filling in the required information.


General Provisions

  • The Terms and Conditions define the rules for the operation and use of the Service and specify the rights and obligations of the Service Recipients and the Service Provider related to the use of the Service.
  • The subject of the Service Provider’s services is to provide free tools in the form of the Service, enabling Service Recipients to access content in the form of posts, articles, audiovisual materials, or online applications and electronic forms.
  • Any content, articles, and information that contain tips or advice published on the Service are a general collection of information and are not directed at individual Service Recipients. The Service Provider is not responsible for how Service Recipients use this information.
  • The Service Recipient assumes full responsibility for the manner of using the materials provided within the Service, including using them in accordance with applicable laws.
  • The Service Provider does not provide any warranty regarding the usefulness of the materials posted on the Service.
  • The Service Provider is not liable for any damages incurred by Service Recipients or third parties in connection with the use of the Service. All risks related to using the Service, particularly in relation to the use of information provided in the Service, are borne by the Service Recipient using the Service.

Terms of Use of the Service

  • The use of the Service by each Service Recipient is free and voluntary.
  • Service Recipients are required to read the Terms and Conditions and other documents that constitute an integral part of them and must accept the provisions in their entirety to continue using the Service.
  • Service Recipients may not use any personal data obtained through the Service for marketing purposes.
  • Technical requirements for using the Service:
    • A device with a display that allows viewing web pages,
    • Internet connection,
    • Any web browser that displays web pages according to W3C Consortium standards and supports websites provided in HTML5,
    • Enabled JavaScript support,
    • Enabled Cookie support
  • To ensure the safety of the Service Provider, Service Recipients, and other Service users, all Service Recipients should adhere to generally accepted online security principles, including:
    • Keeping software, including the web browser and operating system, up-to-date by regularly installing available updates and patches,
    • Avoiding clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources,
    • Using antivirus and anti-malware programs and being vigilant against phishing attempts and other online fraud,
    • Using secured Wi-Fi networks and avoiding the use of unsecured public networks when logging into the Service.
  • The following actions are prohibited, whether performed personally by Service Recipients or using software:
    • Decompilation and analysis of source code without written consent,
    • Causing excessive server load without written consent,
    • Attempting to detect security vulnerabilities in the Service or server configuration without written consent,
    • Attempting to upload or inject code, scripts, or software onto the server and into the database that could harm the Service software, other Service Recipients, or the Service Provider,
    • Attempting to upload or inject code, scripts, or software onto the server and into the database that could monitor or steal data from Service Recipients or the Service Provider,
    • Engaging in any actions aimed at damaging, blocking the operation of the Service, or preventing the Service from achieving its intended purpose.
  • If a cybersecurity incident or GDPR breach occurs or is likely to occur, Service Recipients should first report it to the Service Provider to promptly address the issue/threat and protect the interests of all Service users.

Access to the ” MY IT CONNECT” Section

  • The “MY IT CONNECT” section is available only to employees or collaborators of the Service Provider.
  • To access the section, employees must log in using credentials provided by the Service Provider.
  • Detailed rules for using the “MY IT CONNECT” section are specified in a separate regulation available after logging in.

Applying for Job Offers

  • The Service Provider enables the Service Recipient to apply for job offers through the Service by filling out an application form.
  • Applying for job offers does not require registration on the Service.
  • All data entered in the application form by the Service Recipient must pertain solely to them and must not belong to third parties.
  • By filling out the application form, the Service Recipient agrees to provide truthful information that reflects the actual state of affairs.
  • If discrepancies are found between the provided data and the actual state, the Service Provider reserves the right to take appropriate action, including deleting the Service Recipient’s application.
  • The Service Provider is not liable for any damages resulting from the provision of false or incomplete information by the Service Recipient.
  • The Service Recipient assumes full responsibility for all legal and financial consequences resulting from providing false data in the application form.
  • The Service Provider reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the data provided by the Service Recipient in the application form.

The scope, purposes, methods, and principles of processing data provided in the application form are available in the documents: “GDPR Information Clause” and “Privacy Policy.”

Conditions for Communication and Provision of Other Services in the Service

  • The Service provides services and tools that enable Service Recipients to interact with the Service, such as:
    • Contact form
  • The Service provides contact details in the form of:
    • Email address
    • Contact phone number
  • When contacting the Service Provider, Service Recipients’ personal data will be processed in accordance with the “Privacy Policy” available on the Service.

Collection of the Data about Service Recipients

To properly provide services through the Service, protect the legal interest of the Service Provider, and ensure compliance with applicable laws, the Service Provider collects and processes certain data about Users through the Service.

To properly provide services, the Service uses and stores some anonymous information about the Service Recipient in cookies.

The scope, purposes, methods, and principles of data processing are available in the documents: “GDPR Information Clause” and “Privacy Policy.”

  • Data collected automatically:

To ensure the smooth operation of the Service and for statistical purposes, we automatically collect certain data about the Service Recipient. These data include:

    • IP address
    • Browser type
    • Screen resolution
    • Approximate location
    • Pages of the service opened
    • Time spent on a specific page of the service
    • Type of operating system
    • Address of the previous page
    • Referring page address
    • Browser language
    • Internet connection speed
    • Internet service provider
    • Anonymous demographic data based on Google Analytics data:
      • Gender
      • Age
      • Interests
  • Anonymous data necessary for serving ads:
    • Data related to remarketing
    • Data related to ad reporting

The above data is obtained through the Google Analytics script and is anonymous.


  • The Service and copyrights to the Service are owned by the Service Provider.
  • Some of the data posted on the Service is protected by copyrights belonging to companies, institutions, and third parties not affiliated with the Service Provider, and is used under licenses or free licenses. Therefore, any use of this data should be preceded by obtaining permission from the Service Provider.
  • Under the Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright, it is prohibited to use, copy, reproduce in any form, and store in search systems (except for Google, Bing, Yahoo, NetSprint, DuckDuckGo, Facebook, and LinkedIn search engines) any articles, descriptions, photos, and other content, graphic materials, videos, or audio found on the Service without written consent or consent provided via Electronic Communication by their legal owner.
  • According to the Act of February 4, 1994, on Copyright, simple press information, understood as mere information without the author’s comment and evaluation, is not protected. The author understands this as the possibility of using information from texts posted on the service, but not copying the entirety or parts of articles unless otherwise specified in the specific material provided on the Service.


Changes to the Terms and Conditions

  • Any provisions of the Terms and Conditions may be changed unilaterally by the Service Provider at any time without providing reasons.
  • In the event of a change to the Terms and Conditions, the provisions take effect immediately after publication.
  • It is assumed that any Service Recipient who continues to use the Service after a change to the Terms and Conditions accepts them in full.


Final Provisions

    • The Service Provider will make every effort to ensure that the Service is offered continuously. However, it is not responsible for interruptions caused by force majeure or unauthorized interference by Service Recipients, third parties, or external automated programs.
    • The Service Provider reserves the right to change any information posted on the Service at any time chosen by the Service Provider without prior notice to Service Recipients using the Service.
    • The Service Provider reserves the right to temporarily, completely, or partially disable the Service to improve it, add services, or conduct maintenance without prior notice to Service Recipients.
    • The Service Provider reserves the right to permanently disable the Service without prior notice to Service Recipients.
    • The Service Provider reserves the right to assign all or part of its rights and obligations related to the Service without the consent and possibility of objection by the Service Recipients.
    • The current and previous versions of the Terms and Conditions of the Service are available on this subpage under the current Terms and Conditions.
    • For any matters related to the operation of the Service, please contact the Service Provider using one of the following forms of contact:
      • Using the contact form available on the Service
      • Sending a message to the email address: biuro@itconnect.pl
      • By making a phone call to the number: +48 515 191 779

Contact using the indicated means of communication should be made only in matters related to the operation of the Service.

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